总裁咨询委员会(PAC)由公司领导组成, academic, and not-for-profit sectors.
理事会的总体指导方针是就教育机构应如何应对卫生科学和卫生保健行业的长期趋势提供见解. The group meets twice per year.
Harvey Arbit在制药行业拥有超过40年的监管事务领域的经验, clinical research, quality control, and product development. Dr. Arbit is the founder of, and consulting partner for, Arbit Consulting, LLC, providing regulatory strategy and support for industry, academia, and investigator-initiated sponsored clinical research.
Nancy Barbour是药品科学高级副总裁 & Technology at Bristol-Myers Squibb (BMS). In this role, 她负责整个小分子管道的全球产品和工艺开发, biological compounds, and devices. Dr. 在获得ACPHS的药剂学学士学位和堪萨斯大学的药物化学博士学位后,Barbour于1991年加入BMS.
丽贝卡·布兰查德(Rebecca Blanchard)是CRISPR Therapeutics实验医学副总裁. Prior to joining CRISPR, Dr. Blanchard是默克公司人类遗传学和药物基因组学部门的临床药物基因组学负责人. 她在学术界和工业界的职业生涯跨越了临床前阶段, translational, and clinical development across multiple therapeutic areas.
Robert Blum于2001年共同创立了Buffalo临床研究中心有限责任公司(BCRC). BCRC是一个最先进的I期研究机构,协助制药公司进行早期药物开发. BCRC从事广泛的研究活动,包括“首次入人”安全性, tolerability and pharmacokinetic/ pharmacodynamic studies, bioavailability/ bioequivalence, drug interaction, gender-and food-effect studies.
Mac Bonafede is Veradigm,一家Allscripts公司的研究咨询副总裁. 他在医疗保健研究、教育和咨询领域拥有丰富的经验. Before joining Truven Health, Dr. 博纳菲德曾在奥尔巴尼药学与健康科学学院任职, 他在那里教授研究和统计方法的课程, total quality management, and evidence-based medicine.
David Carpenter is Executive Director, Clinical Research, at Evecxia Therapeutics, 这是一家私人资助的临床阶段制药公司,总部位于三角研究园区, NC. Evecxia的使命是开发和商业化的新产品,以治疗常见的糖尿病患者, 残疾和昂贵的神经精神疾病,目前的治疗方法往往是次优的,以帮助那些患有精神疾病的人更充实, more meaningful lives. Dr. Carpenter此前曾在GSK担任药物开发的高级领导职务, Sanofi, Dart Neuroscience and Roivant Sciences.
Christopher Conway是Curia Global(前身为Albany Molecular Research, Inc .)的总裁.). Prior to joining Curia, Mr. Conway曾在Johnson担任销售、营销和领导职务 & Johnson, where he completed J&J的领导力发展计划,并获得了约翰逊 & 约翰逊全球领导力标准奖和全球创新奖.
As the Vice President, Market Access, Incyte Corporation的分销和患者访问服务, Joseph Cordaro负责领导商业职能和负责付款人国民账户的现场团队, Strategic Accounts, Distribution, Patient Access Services, and Channel Marketing for current and future products. Prior to joining Incyte, Dr. Cordaro held leadership positions with AstraZeneca, Roche Pharmaceuticals, and Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporation.
Chris Dadas is the Vice President, Global Head Medical Affairs Vice President, Global Head Medical Affairs at Eiger BioPharmaceuticals, Inc. 他的工作充分整合了许多内部和外部利益相关者的医疗沟通, 推动企业研究战略和科学方向. Prior to his current position, Dr. 他曾在AbbieVie和Allergan, Inc .担任多种职务.
Dr. diiliberto拥有超过44年的学术、制药行业和政府R&D experience. His past positions have included serving as Professor & 坎贝尔大学药学院药学系主席 & Burroughs Wellcome公司药理学部门分子和细胞药理学部门的健康科学和小组组长.
克里斯·迪·拉西亚是过渡病人服务(TPS)的总裁、首席执行官和联合创始人。. 此前,他曾任职于Aventis Pharmaceuticals,担任Lovenox的全球营销总监. 他在制药行业的职业生涯始于Eli Lilly and Company的医院销售代表,之后加入Schering-Plough担任管理式医疗和政府事务经理.
Clayton Edwards是AllianceRx Walgreens Prime的首席运营官,他领导着该组织近80%的员工的企业运营. Operations include specialty and home delivery operations; business innovation and advanced therapies; facilities management, logistics and engineering; service delivery and ops excellence; plus, operations planning and execution.
Seve Falati是一名注册专利律师和位于奥尔巴尼的Falati知识产权法的管理合伙人 & 管理咨询公司,在那里他领导了一个由七名知识产权法律师组成的团队. His clients include U.S. 以及对新兴技术感兴趣的外国实体. In addition to his law degree, 他拥有药理学博士学位,并在哈佛医学院/贝斯以色列女执事医疗中心完成了为期三年的博士后研究.
Gina C. Gould, PhD, 她从小就是一个博物馆爱好者,她很高兴担任“miSci,” Schenectady’s Museum of Innovation and Science. Her love of the environment, the history of Earth, and the objects that testify to that history, has shaped her career. After receiving a BS in Zoology from SUNY Oswego, 古尔德加入和平队,担任巴拉圭国家自然历史博物馆哺乳动物学馆长. Thereafter, Gould worked for Ralph Appelbaum Associates, 直到她被美国自然历史博物馆授予哥伦比亚大学Lamont-Doherty地球天文台地球与环境科学博士项目的奖学金. 从那时起,古尔德一直致力于为全国各地的博物馆举办科学展览. 康涅狄格大学环境科学与工程中心副教授, 古尔德喜欢把她对科学的热爱和她对讲述这些故事的热情通过身临其境的动手STEAM展览和编程为所有年龄和兴趣的人.
在ACPHS获得药学博士学位和药学硕士学位后, Jaclyn于2012年开始在Regeneron Pharmaceuticals工作,目前担任副董事, CMC Project Management. 她之前在Regeneron担任的职位包括高级制造工艺 & 技术助理和副经理,技术转让.
Frank Grosso is the ActualMeds Corporation公司发展执行副总裁. He has 35 years of Long Term Care Pharmacy experience, 包括担任Genesis Healthcare的药房服务副总裁, a long term care provider. 他在Genesis的职责包括监督411个护理中心和辅助生活社区的运营和合同药房服务.
Marylee Grosso is Managing Partner, HealthCare Consults, LLC, 一个独立的咨询公司,解决面临的挑战后急症护理提供者, vendors, 在快速变化的监管和报销环境中的专业组织. Prior to her current role, 她曾担任Genesis Healthcare的临床运营公司高级总监, 监督全国500多个中心的护理和医务部的临床药学实践标准.
Stephen Hulse is the Senior Director, Healthcare Market at Genentech, one of the world's leading biotechnology companies. 他在制药行业拥有25年以上的经验, including extensive management expertise at the district, regional, and national levels. 他是几个主要品牌特许经营权的经验丰富的营销人员, including international strategic development, and domestic business development initiatives.
David Kvancz is Senior Vice President, Strategic Client Relationships at Visante, 一家专注于药物使用和系统优化的医疗保健咨询公司. Before joining Visante, Mr. Kvancz曾担任Kaiser Permanente的国家药房项目和服务副总裁, prior to that experience, 他是克利夫兰诊所卫生系统的首席药房官.
Shawn Leland是Elevation Oncology的创始人兼首席执行官, which was formed in 2019 and went public in 2021. Shawn为制药/生物技术行业带来了超过十年的医疗事务和业务开发经验. Shawn参与了Eli Lilly的全球交易,总计超过4.5亿美元的预付款和里程碑付款, ARIAD Pharmaceuticals, Argos Therapeutics and Verastem Oncology. 他拥有ACPHS的药学博士学位,并通过罗格斯大学(Rutgers)完成了Bristol Myers Squibb的行业奖学金.
Stephen McCormack对医疗产品的开发充满热情, technologies, and services that address unmet medical needs. He currently serves as Managing General Partner, Exela LLC. 他的科学贡献和专利包括将药物输送到眼睛, medical devices for the treatment of tinnitus, and diagnostic tests for cervical cancer.
医学博士阿德卡·麦金托什(Adeka McIntosh)是北德克萨斯州放射学协会的董事会认证放射科医生. 他在休斯顿的贝勒医学院完成了他的医学培训, and then spent several years in residency programs, first at the University of Michigan, and then at the University of Minnesota. 他的实习重点是普通外科和诊断放射学.
他在费城儿童医院完成了一项研究. 在那里,他的亚专业是儿科放射学和儿科介入放射学.
Nancy Phillips, 1974年,BS Pharm是Phillips Gilmore肿瘤通讯公司的创始人兼首席执行官, 这是一家成立27年的费城全球医疗通讯公司, specializing in oncology, hematology, and biotechnology. Upon graduating from Albany College of Pharmacy, 南希成为肿瘤药学专业的创始者之一, 在锡拉丘兹的纽约州立大学北部医疗中心工作了十年.
埃内斯托·塞缪尔在化妆品领域拥有超过35年的全球经验, radiopharmaceutical, and pharmaceutical industries in the USA, Canada, Europe and Asia. Mr. Samuel previously held senior leadership positions at Syncor, INC; Pharmalogic, LLC and IBA Molecular, INC, spanning areas of operations, quality assurance, and regulatory affairs. Currently, Mr. Samuel is the CEO of Pharmaceutic Labs, a 503B Outsourcing Facility in Albany, 纽约生产无菌和非无菌药物,也是Biomed Innova的首席执行官, FDA注册的实验室位于奥尔巴尼医学中心(AMC)校园,是AMC生物医学加速和商业化中心(BACC)的一部分。. Biomed Innova specializes in new drug formulations, analytical testing, clinical studies and quality and regulatory consulting.
达伦·特里勒是抗凝血论坛战略倡议主任, 北美最大的多学科抗凝专家成员组织(www.acforum.org). In this role, 他领导了一系列由fda资助的工作,以确定和推进抗凝管理作为国家护理模式. He also led the recent creation and approval of a novel, ashp批准的PGY2药房血栓和止血管理专业住院医师. 他为国家质量措施的发展做出了贡献, 开发了一款抗凝剂围手术期管理应用, and has published extensively on drug safety topics.
Mr. Ullmann brings leadership, experience, 以及在医疗保健和健康行业的私营和公共部门拥有独特背景的执行经理的技能. He has developed more than 30 start-up companies, and for 16 years served as the Founder, Chairman, President, 总部位于纽约的上市健康管理公司(Wellcare)的首席执行官,该公司开发和管理了六个hmo.